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Freebie: This is the Biggest Freebie to Date - Music from SXSW 09 Performing Artists.

As you know, SXSW 09 is coming up real soon, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, due to the recession and the fact I spent my money to go to DC for the Inauguration (well worth it), I can't attend this year's festivities in Austin, TX unless some of you generous people would like to sponsor me! However, I got the next best thing. How about over 5 gigs of free legal music from all of the performing artists at this year's SXSW. You can download the music in two parts via torrents. Here are the links. If you are new to torrents and how they work, check this link.I will be downloading myself and picking out my favorites and posting them in the coming days.

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee