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"Make Milwaukee": Ex Fabula | Paul Finger Goes To Jail

Listen: Yesterday, we had the wonderful Leah Delaney in to the studios to talk about Ex Fabula, a new and exciting storytelling group in Milwaukee. These guys are the real deal, but you don't need to take my word for it. Leah brought along Milwaukee-character and storyteller extraordinaire, Paul Finger. Without knowing what to expect, I put a microphone in front of a somewhat nervous Paul and sat spellbound for the next 8 minutes and 22 seconds as he spilled his story. A few plot highlights -- Paul goes to jail, tries to make friends, and then learns a life lesson from the band KISS. Below, I pulled out three particularly entertaining chunks of the story and did a little production to make them fit for on-air play. Take a listen to those three, and then check out the story in its entirety.

-Having lost his license, Paul gets pulled over and gives the officer a terribly unbelievable fake name: -Paul's experiences show that when you get dressed in the morning, you really ought to ask yourself this question: "If I went to jail today, would I fit in?" -How to make friends in jail like Paul Finger: -The whole story in all of its glory. Very lightly edited, which means there are some... well... adult-ish themes in the story. Nothing too offensive though:

To learn more about Ex Fabula, visit their website . And they have an event TONIGHT (Tuesday, January 19th), 8PM at the Hi Hat Garage. And I'll be there too, interviewing my Mom. Also! We want your stories. If you have a story, especially one that somehow ties into Milwaukee, pitch your idea at (414) 475-8889.

P r o duced by: Adam Carr