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Hip Hop Crush

This week we are going to take a "look" into the music of Eric B and Rakim. Without a doubt, they are two of the most influential Hip Hop artists of ALL time. Their timeless classics, still hold up strong with today's technically pumped up jams. They always had a knack for the best "hip hop sounding" breaks and samples. Tracks that were funky, but still hard enough to hold up to Rakim's brash delivery and Eric B's fierce scratching.One of my favorite Eric B and Rakim jams, come from their 2nd album FOLLOW THE LEADER."Microphone Fiend"This infectious loop comes to us from one of the funkiest groups in American R&B. THE AVERAGE WHITE BAND!From the album Cut The Cake, here is "School Boy Crush"

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee