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"Make Milwaukee": Week 1 | Turner's Classical Fencing Society

Fencing in Turner Hall Ballroom! Awesome!

Listen: To get Make Milwaukee in shape, the past few weeks have been a mess of phone calling, sound designing, frantic editing and copy writing/adjusting. So, it is with the deepest and most sincere pleasure that I present the first piece in our Make Milwaukee Series on Turner's Classical Fencing Society. When this week's Make Milwaukee Tour Guide, Wild Space Dance Company Managing Director Rick Clark, mentioned the prospect of an audio piece on fencing to me, I cut him off in the middle of his idea with an emphatic "Of course! I work with sound for a living!" So how does sword fighting in the basement of an old German hall fit into a celebration of arts in culture? You be the judge: Perfect, right? As Rick and I watched the two fencers practice, there were so many elements of drama and performance and precision in their every move. As you listen and hear those foils clash, close your eyes and imagine top-class fencing in our very own Turner Hall.

And a few pieces of unused but great audio that I just couldn't squeeze in. (Don't mind the slight/non-edits.): -Rick gives a little background on why he wanted to feature Turner's Classical Fencing Society: -Sometimes, you ask a question and get an answer that doesn't quite make its mark on you in the moment. This little piece of tape, for whatever reason, is definitely becoming one of my favorites: -This interchange came right after fencing instructor Shawn mentioned the "little round bruises all over his arm and chest:"

To learn more about Turner's Classical Fencing Society, visit the Turner website or the Classical Fencing Society's website. AND YOU CANNOT MISS THIS! They have a tournament at Turner THIS WEEKEND! I'll be there for sure. LEARN MORE AT THIS WEBSITE!

P r o duced by: Adam Carr

This is why I do radio. (I don't photograph well.)