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Rap Kreyl | Haitian Hip Hop

When some people think of Haiti, they are likely to have a single story of the country and its people. People see Haiti as one of the poorest country in the western hemisphere. To the contrary, the country has rich histroy, and amazing creative spirit especially when it comes to music. Haiti also has a deep history with hip hop which is called Rap Kreyl. Kreyl is the national language of the Republic of Haiti.

Kreyl comes from a Portuguese word meaning "raised at home". It was first used to refer to Europeans born and raised in the overseas colonies. Than, it was later used for languages that arose from the plantations that the Europeans established, using slaves imported fromWest Africa. Kreyl was a new language resulting from African slaves' efforts to speak the French that they heard when they arrived in Haiti. Slaves came to Haiti, from all over West Africa and spoke many different languages. (-Wikipedia)

Master Dji was considered to be the founder of Rap Kreyl. He was the Dj of the group "Haiti Rap' N Ragga" You can read more about him here. I just discovered this amazing mix of Rap Kreyl that carries on the tradition of Dji via Mad Decent. The mix was compile by DJ Still Life.From DJ Still Life's blog:

...I put together after having my mind blown by a couple of tracks thatLamin played for me onWorldwide Smash. I spent the next couple weeks checking hard for whatever I could find, often low bitrate versions that fans had posted to share sites or social networking spots. The mix is made up of some of my favorite tracks that I encountered, but is by no means a comprehensive overview of the genre. There is a LOT of talent making music there, and unfortunately the recent earthquake there is sure to add another obstacle between these artists and the production and spread of their music. I haven't been able to find out much about the effects of the earthquake on the individual musicians, thoughaccording to wikipedia Young Cliff, a member of Barikad Crew, lost his life in the events surrounding the quake. If you enjoy this music, please consider (if you haven't already) donating to one of the many charities providing relief efforts in Haiti. East Village Radio recommendsOxfam, but there are many other reputable organizations doing good work...

The music on this mix borrows a lot from the hip hop of the south, which its history has a definite connection to Haiti's history especially during the slave trade.Check out and download the mix and enjoy, and while you are listening donate to the various charities that are helping Haiti after the tragic earthquake.DJ Still Life - Rebel Rap (A Mix of Haitian Rap Kreyl)

Rap Kreyl | Haitian Hip Hop

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee