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"Make Milwaukee": Week 5 | The Julia Taylor Collection

Listen: Over the course of every week, as these wonderful tour guides and I have a chance to collaborate, we get to know each other a little. Personally, I really relish this part of the job, as we exclusively end up working with dynamic and interesting people. This week, as Julia and I chit chatted, a theme kept reoccurring in our conversations -- she really loves art, especially collecting it and putting it in her house. Not one to shy away from inviting myself over for dinner, I asked her, "Can we do an art tour of your house?"


One of Julia's prized paintings, purchased in Door County


Julia was in. So on a warm winter morning, I biked over to her house and she give me a sampling of her spectacular, eclectic, and very personal art collection. Listen and learn a bit about Julia's art, as well as her approach to collecting:

It's not quite communicated in the piece, but Julia's walls are totally packed, not to mention all the sculptural pieces she has around the house. This tour really could have gone on forever -- each painting has a unique story behind it, some of which you can hear below.

Standing in her foyer, I asked Julia to show me a piece that she's acquired recently, and we didn't have to go far to find it. In a very prominent spot, greeting their gusts, she showed me a photo of Joe Pabst: She bought it recently at Debra Brehmer's Portrait Society Gallery -- if you haven't been there, you really ought to check this one out.   Levi the Giant Schnauzer meet Pop Art Levi, her giant schnauzer, is a big dog (as the name would suggest). He is also a great model. Julia, a photographer in her own right, talks about a recent piece she made staring Levi: It really was great to see Julia's art interspersed with her purchased art. For me, it made her collection very personal.   The Sad Boy   Having grown up with a lot of art in my home, I know that a child's mind tends to pick out favorites. So, I asked Julia which pieces her grandchildren gravitate towards. Her answer -- "The Sad Boy." Huh: And she bought this from a young artist from MIAD. Supporting local artists!   You might recognize this artist -- the painting Julia bought at Trocadero   The above painting was described in the feature audio piece (purchased from a waitress at Trocadero), but is not related to the audio clip below. In this piece, she discusses the art of a family friend who went from Charles to "Carlos:" I can't believe I forgot to take pictures of these paintings -- they really are wild.   Start your own collection today! Or add to the one you already have! Julia does a lot of her art-finding at Gallery Night, but as her pieces indicate, you can fall in love with a piece of art anywhere, anytime.   P r o d uced by: Adam Carr   The beautiful foyer of Julia's art-filled house.