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"Make Milwaukee": Skylight Opera | Andy Wilkowske


Listen: This year, the theme for our winter arts campaign has been Operation: Make Milwaukee, a "mission very-possible" theme that's had us dashing all over the city featuring dynamic voices in Milwaukee's creative community. That being said, it's time we put the "opera" in "Operation," and we had a little help from our friends at the Skylight Opera Company.

Recently, Skylight put on a production of Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, with the role of Figaro played by Twin Cities native Andy Wilkowske. Not a stranger to Milwaukee, he's performed in a number of productions at the Skylight and spends a good deal of time in Milwaukee. A few weeks ago, Andy came into the studios to share his thoughts on Milwaukee and opera.

Andy as Figaro! (Photo from the Third Coast Digest)

"The Power of Opera" -- Andy both describes and demonstrates off exactly what that means: When you think opera, do you think "trashy sitcom?" Listen to Andy's take on The Marriage of Figaro and the Barber of Seville:

A native of St. Paul, Andy reflects on what he's learned about Milwaukee's art community over the years: I'm so happy he sung for me -- it undoubtedly made that piece. What a great sport.

Some extra audio! You know how Andy said "I'm getting butterflies" right before he sings and then he sounds incredible? This is his explanation for those nerves: Andy on his first invitation to Milwaukee and his mindset about the city at the time: Answering the question, "When a friend is reluctant to see a show and end up enjoying themselves, what reason do they give for liking it?" Want to see amazing opera in your own hometown? Get down to the Skylight Opera and have some fun!

P r o d u ced by: Adam Carr

(Photo from the Third Coast Digest)