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"Make Milwaukee": Week 7 | Bridget Griffith Evans

Listen: For our next stop, Mike brought me to the near South Side to meet Bridget Griffith Evans in her beautiful studio-artspace-apartment. Bridget is currently progressing from her work at Luckystar Studios to a new solo endeavor in the 3rd Ward's Marshall Building. Since she is going through this transition, a natural question is, "Why not head to the bright lights of a bigger city?" Bridget's answer had a few different components, but one of the major pillars was "community."

Oftentimes, the idea of "community" is something you can't see or hear or count -- it's just a feeling of comfort and acceptance that you understand. However, there are those wonderful occasions where community organizes itself and makes its support felt. Listen as Bridget explains how Milwaukee's art community buoyed her in a time of need:

The bells at the beginning of this piece were recorded when Mike and I were walking on Mitchell, on the way to Bridget's place. They were so loud and beautiful -- it all just struck me as being incredibly Mitchell Street. I'm not sure they really make sense at the front, but I couldn't help myself from including a little bit of sound from the process.

-A little bit extra! Bridget is trailblazing and moving into a new phase of her career, where she shifts from working with other artists in her gallery to producing her own work: -Her new space? What you can expect to find in Bridget's next chapter: -If you're not familiar with Bridget's Luckystar project, she fills in the blank:

To learn more about Bridget's past, check out Luckystar's website. For the present and the future, check out her personal website and check out her new space on April 16th, the upcoming Gallery Night!

P r o duced by: Adam Carr