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"Safe Streets, Healthy Kids": Birding at Neighborhood House

Listen: Sitting in front of a screen (like we’re both doing right now) will continue to become increasingly common as technology progresses. Work, entertainment, and information are made easy. That being said, this seated, hunched over position doesn’t do a whole lot of good for your body.



Kids need exposure to alternatives to television and video games, especially ones that can get them actively engaged in the world around them. A perfect example of this is the Environmental Education program at the Neighborhood House of Milwaukee. The kids learn about the outdoors from a variety of angles throughout the year, and this summer, they’re focusing on birding. Listen, as I met some of the Neighborhood House’s young birders: see podcast below.


To learn more about Neighborhood House,  you can check out their website here. Also, if you’re interested in birding yourself, not that I know much about it, but you can start here.

Produced by: Adam Carr