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"Safe Streets, Healthy Kids": Arts At Large and the Ulster Project in the Moose Fields

Listen: After a recap week where we revisited highlights from the first 4 weeks of this year’s Safe Streets, Healthy Kids Project, we’re back with freshly produced pieces (also, I just got a new and awesome camera, so look out for much more vibrant photos)! And this week, our Safe Havens focus will be a rich one with a huge number of programs around town to choose from — the Arts and Creativity. And as things have gone throughout this campaign, our themes and subject matter aren’t always related in the most obvious fashion. For example, the first from this week starts in the moose field at the Milwaukee County Zoo.

When I got in touch with Arts At Large looking to include them in Safe Streets, Healthy Kids, they immediately knew what I should cover — their collaboration with the Ulster Project and Green Bay Avenue School. The Ulster Project is a fascinating exchange program that brings Northern Irish students to the States and allows them to get involved in a number of constructive projects ( read more about the Ulster Project here). For the group in Milwaukee, one of those opportunities was a trip to the zoo with a group of younger students from Green Bay Avenue School. Their day was packed with activities (more of those coming later), and the first was a cleanup in the moose pen: see podcast below.

Listen for more from this trip in the next few days as well as in the upcoming weeks!

You can learn more about  the many programs administered by Arts At Large here , the incredibly interesting Ulster Project here , and finally,  you can check out the Milwaukee County Zoo’s website .

Produced by: Adam Carr