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"Make A Difference": 2010 Election | Citizen Action and Matt Brusky

Listen: Every cycle, as primaries and election day grow nearer, more and more folks mobilize, engaging and educating the public with the hopes that they’ll have an impact at the polls. There’s an abundance of groups doing this work in Milwaukee, which lands us with a question whose answer isn’t obvious — “Where do we start?”

After a little research, Wisconsin Voices became a clear answer to that question. An umbrella group of organizations looking to educate the public and increase civic engagement, they have a deep and wide-ranging list of partner organizations active in community. First organization — Citizen Action.

We actually partnered with Citizen Action for the 2008 election, including an interview with their Political Director Matt Brusky. Just two short years later and we find ourselves looking at an almost unrecognizable political landscape — in this piece Matt discusses the importance of voting in a midterm, especially given the challenges we’re facing right now.

If you took the time to listen to and read this post, you really need to go vote in the upcoming primary! See our  “Voting Made Even Easier”  election guide for answers to all your questions! Also, you can  r ead up on Citizen Action at their website , and then  check out all the wonderful work they’re doing at Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods  (more on them soon!).

Produced by: Adam Carr