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"Make A Difference": Volunteering | Valerie Larry with Junior Achievement

Listen: A few weeks back, I stopped by  Harley Davidson‘s Juneau offices (not too far from our own studios), for a breakfast honoring Harley employees who volunteer. One of the major factors an individual must take into account when considering a volunteer opportunity — how realistic is the time commitment? Unfortunately this is a very real and practical concern. Few people, especially those with a family and a house, have much time to spare.

Harley-Davidson makes volunteering a bit easier for its employees — Harley-Davidson provides time off to its employees to volunteer for programs like  Junior Achievement. Harley-Davidson also supports employees who participate in volunteer opportunities like Big Brothers Big Sisters (more on them in weeks to come!). At the volunteer breakfast I attended, I spoke with Harley employee Valerie Larry, who also spends time in the classroom with Junior Achievement.

Want to get involved with  Junior Achievement of Wisconsin like Valerie? It sure sounds like a lot of fun. To learn more about how you volunteer in the Greater Milwaukee area,  visit their website .

Produced by: Adam Carr