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"Make A Difference": Mentoring | Carlos Amador with the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee and MENT

Listen: Recently, we’ve featured a number of mentoring opportunities that exist within the context of the child-adult relationship. And while there is certainly a need for mentors in that arena, there’s no shortage of peer-to-peer mentoring opportunities either. In last year’s Make A Difference Campaign, we featured both  After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (ABCD) and  Literacy Services, two organizations that bring adults together in very different and valuable ways to share their experiences. And yesterday, I took a trip to South Division High School where I spoke with some young and eager Corps Members looking to make an impact as mentors (look out for those pieces in the coming weeks, but in the meantime,  check out this awesome article on City Year by Erin Richards in the MJS).

This week, we’ll be hearing stories from some folks involved in MENTÉ, an initiative of the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee. Their top level premise is simple — connect young professionals and college upperclassmen with established professionals. But once that connection is made, where to from there? What will make that relationship be both sustained and productive? Carlos Amador, an active facilitator of MENTÉ, has played a role in retooling the program in recent years. In looking for room for improvement, he was able to draw both from his own experiences as a professional, but also from what he found missing in his own first step into the professional world (scroll to the bottom for the audio piece).

Want to get involved in the wonderful opportunities provided by MENTÉ?  Check out their website! (On a personal note — this conversation with Carlos really activated me to look into some peer-to-peer opportunities myself) Also, learn more about  the Hispanic Professionals of Greater Milwaukee.

Produced by: Adam Carr