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"Make A Difference": Environment | Rajiv Narayan from Growing Power

Listen: Folks in Wisconsin, and particularly in Milwaukee, are concerned about brain drain ( check out this informative article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for some statistics). Counteracting this trend is a massively complex issue, but there's at least one surefire solution to get the ball rolling -- start and sustain cutting edge ventures here that attract national attention.

Growing Power is one of those ventures and Rajiv Narayan is one of those people who took notice when Will Allen began receiving national attention. Based in California, Rajiv first heard of Will and Growing Power in  a New York Times feature from 2009. Then, he noticed Will again when he became part of Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" anti-obesity program. Having a keen interest in food himself ( see Rajiv's awesome blog here), he ended up interning at Growing Power this past summer:

I love Rajiv's message in this piece -- thinking deeply about issues, of course, is important but these thoughts and theories can become so much richer when they are augmented with the lessons of action.

Want to hear more about what Rajiv's thinking? Check out his blog! Want to learn more about Growing Power? Check out their website! Plus, a key part of what makes Growing Power special -- they are right here in Milwaukee. You can go to 55th and Silver Spring in the Havenwoods neighborhood and check out what they're doing right now. See and taste it for yourself, and then get out on the farm and volunteer!

Produced by: Adam Carr