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"Make Milwaukee": Environment | A Second Heaping Dose of Environmental Orgs!

Listen: Yesterday, I wrote a fairly lengthy post to set up my first ever trip to the Milwaukee Environmental Consortium, an office space shared by 10 environmental non-profits on the East Side of Milwaukee (to fill in that blank, check out that post here). And as promised, this is the second of two installments from my madcap interview-dash at MEC:

I really did have a great time putting folks on the spot, challenging folks with a straightforward question. I look forward to doing more pieces like that in the future, and if ever you have a concept for a piece like that, I'd love to hear it!

You just heard from the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Urban Gardens, Milwaukee River Greenway Coalition and the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, just 4 of the 10 MEC orgs. Learn more about them, then take them up on their suggestions! Also,  go to the MEC's website r ight now for more info on all the orgs and plenty of ways to get involved!