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Donate Your Facebook Status For Veterans Day & Have A Chance To Help Two Wisconsin Vets Go To The Superbowl!

As some of you may know, that I'm a proud veteran of the US Army Reserves.  I'm still an active member of the Reserves in a Public Affairs unit out of Chicago.  There is a something really special about serving your country.  

This year's Veteran's Day is November 11th, 2010.  We as a nation should never forget what our men and women in uniform do for our country.  There are a lot of ways to help and support our veterans from sending care packages to simply saying thank you. Now, the  Iraq and Afganistan Veteran of American (IAVA), the country's first and largest non-profit, non-paritsan organization for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, have created a way you can show your support through social media. The organization partnered with Invoke Media to create a Facebook App that allows users to donate their 'status' to support Veterans from November 8th to November 11th. 

The IAVA app raises awareness around Veterans Day and allows anyone to get involved by “marching online” and donating their Twitter or Facebook statuses. Once you “like” IAVA’s Facebook page, you gain access to the app, which shows a leaderboard of the number of donated Twitter or Facebook statuses by state. The state with the most donated statuses will be able to give two veterans from that state tickets to the Super Bowl!

What an innovative way to support our Veterans by creating a march 'online.' If you notice the screenshot below, Wisconsin is in 4th place in having a chance to send two Wisconsin Veterans to the Super Bowl.  If you are on Facebook, please take the time to show your support by participating in the "Online March." You can read more about this special event here.