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Watch yo' mouth, I'm just talking about SAMPLES.

This week we are talking a lot about MOVIES here at 88NINE.

Tarik made a call to action for Milwaukee video directors to create a new video for director David Lynch, we also began the new Secret Soundtrack segment on the morning show this Monday.

As we continue our Movie Talk, I thought I'd look at one of the most recognizable movie theme songs of all time...

( here is a live version with a kick ass Jesse Jackson intro )



American pop culture has embraced Shaft in an interesting way.  While Blaxplotation flicks are generally have a sub-cult following, Shaft is pretty mainstream.  In fact, this is the number one selling Stax record of all time.

This has been sampled by many hip hop and dance acts, but my favorite has to be "Know How" by Young MC.  The Dust Brothers sampled Issac Hayes hit for Young MCs debut album STONE COLD RHYMIN'


Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee