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A Tribe Called Quest Documentary Selected To Be Screened At Sundance; Q-Tip Disapproves of Documentary

A few weeks ago, I posted a story about the forthcoming A Tribe Called Quest documentary entitled "Beats, Rhymes and Life" directed by actor Michael Rappaport. A couple of days ago, the Sundance Film Festival selected the documentary to be screened at the famous festival. It was selected from over 800 documentaries. It will be screened with such films as the documentary "Being Elmo", which is a film about the man behind the famous muppet.

However, a day later, Q-Tip announced on Twitter that he doesn't support the documentary.  This is a very interesting turn of events, and I am very interested to see how this unfolds.  Will this affect the Sundance screening?

Check out the trailer (while it lasts on youtube).  

UPDATE: If you notice at the end, the film title is "Beats, Rhymes and Fights" and not the proper title of "Beats, Rhymes and Life." I'm betting someone got a whole of the raw footage and took some creative liberty.  The footage might explain why Q-Tip doesn't support the film.