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Site of the Day | Wisconsin-Based Site Connecting Global Climate Change To A Personal And Local Level

The concept of climate change is a very controversial issue even though majority of the scientists from around the world have proven that global warming is actually happening.  For some, it is hard to connect global warming when  people see snow on Christmas day in cities like Atlanta for the first time in over 100 years.   The best way to understand an issue like global climate change is to bring it to a local level.

The relatively new site attempts to do this by telling stories of climate change affecting people in Wisconsin. tells stories of climate change through the eyes of people from all over Wisconsin including Milwaukee through the use of gorgeous videos.

Climate Wisconsin is an educational multimedia project featuring stories of climate change. The stories from across Wisconsin were documented over ten months beginning in February, 2010. All stories are supported by research in collaboration with the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts tells stories of how climate changes affects acitivities such as fly fishing, ice fishing, and farming. Two of the stories relates to the city of Milwaukee.  One of the stories deals with shipping on the Great Lakes, and the other deals with extreme heat and the problems that it leads to in the city, which it is narrated by spoken word artist Elijah Furquan. Definitely check the site out for yourself. (via Boing Boing)


Great Lakes Shipping | Climate Wisconsin from ECB on Vimeo.