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88Nine's Music Film Series Continues With A Feist and Banksy Double Feature

88 Nine Radio Milwaukee and The Times Cinema present the next film in our 2011 musically noteworthy film series, “Look At What The Light Did Now” – a documentary of the journey of Feist’s grammy-nominated disc “The Reminder”.

We’ll follow that screening with “Exit Through The Gift Shop” the documentary of guerilla street artist Banksy. “Look At What The Light Did Now” will premiere at The Times Cinema at 59th and Vliet in Milwaukee this Friday March 4th at 9pm and “Exit Through The Gift Shop” will show immediately following it at 10:30.

Admission to “Look At What The Light Did Now” is $6, and admission to “Exit Through The Gift Shop is free. We’ll be giving away copies of “Look At What The Light Did Now” signed by Feist between the two movies, so join us for this double feature!