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In:Site Brings Temporary Public Art to Century City: Jesse Graves/Neighborhood Project Week 3

In:Site Milwaukeerecently focused its temporary public art exhibits on the Century City neighborhood. Their exhibit, entitled, On and Off Capitol, features artists focusing on the assets and challenges of Century City. Visitors can walk from site to site and visually (and aurally) experience the work. I focused on three artists: Christopher Willey, Jesse Graves, and Ted Brusubardis, who all tackle environmental issues within the neighborhood as well as the connections to the greater Milwaukee area. Christopher Willey created artwork which tackled the issue of illegal dumping. He chose boarded-up homes as his canvas, and animals as his theme..that is, animals who tend to frequent dumpsites...Jesse Graves created vinyl wrappings around the underpass at 35th and Capitol. His pieces feature birds and our connection to water, as well as a fence weaving near the old A.O. Smith building site. Finally, Ted did something a little different..he created soundscapes that tackled not only environmental concerns but also intergenerational connections. Both his pieces will be linked here so that you can listen to them in their entirety..

Second up: Jesse Graves!