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Breaking NEW Ground: Journey House/Make a Difference Week 3

Clouds, wind, and essential dreariness did not dissuade people in the Clarke Square community (and beyond) from attending the groundbreaking ceremony of the spanking  new building created for Journey House Center for Family Learning and Youth Athletics, soon to be located on the grounds of H.W. Longfellow School on Milwaukee's south side.

Journey House provides families with educational opportunities such as GED classes, programming for children through arts and athletics, ESL classes for non-English speakers, and provides training in employment skills, additional academic skills and overall community support. 

Mayor Tom Barret and MPS Superintendent Greg Thornton (who provided a rousing and ebullient speech) were in attendance, as well as stakeholders in the Clarke Square community, students, families, educators.

I spoke with several people, including two students (one adult, and one young adult) involved in GED and ELL classes, and their remarkable teacher, Ana Melo.

There are two stories here: So as you scroll down, you can click on Journey House 1 AND Journey House 2.. Enjoy..

Photo credits: Sue Vliet/Photographer courtesy of Milwaukee Neighborhood News Services

(I will also be posting some of my photos)