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Beer, Cheese, and Kirtan! Ragani Talks and Sings/Make Milwaukee Week 9

What makes Milwaukee? KIRTAN!??? Yes, Kirtan, and if you don't know what Kirtan is, then here is a link. Ragani brings Kirtan to Milwaukee, and performs regularly with the likes of Julio Pabon of De La Buena, among others. I was introduced to Kirtan while I lived in Santa Fe, NM, and got to hear Dave Stringerperform with his harmonium and the rest of his remarkable musicians at a yoga center there. I was hooked.

I met with Ragani at my local "office", and we talked about the origins of Kirtan, her awakening to what Kirtan brings to her spirit, how Milwaukee has one of THE largest Kirtan communities in the US of A, and how we can figure out a way to bring Aaron Rodgers to Kirtan. Okay, Aaron, if you're listening.......

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee