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The TOOLKIT Project/Safe Streets, Healthy Kids Week 1

The Ida M. Johnson Foundation for Women & Girls is a non-profit organization focused on creating partnerships with innovative leaders and organizations to provide solutions that help in eliminating public health disparities among women and girls. The foundation has a variety of creative outreach programs and initiatives that raise awareness about public health, not only here in Milwaukee, but in America.

One of those initiatives is “ The TOOLKIT Project”. The TOOLKIT Project is designed to inform girls and young women about proper hygiene techniques (brushing your teeth, wearing deodorant, washing your body, etc) and to give them a tool to begin and continue healthier hygiene routines. That’s where the TOOLKIT comes in. “It’s not just a bag, it’s a way of life.” Inside each bag are a variety of essential hygiene products that these girls can use every single day, whether that be at home, in school or while traveling.

I met Executive Director of the Ida M. Johnson Foundation, Camille Johnson, and her lovely mother Constance, as they worked on filling some of the TOOLKIT bags for girls in the Milwaukee area. We then went to Milwaukee College Prep to meet a few 8 th grade students who swear by their TOOLKIT. Click the podcast below to hear how The TOOLKIT Project is devoted to educating girls on healthy, clean and confident practices.

If you’d like to get involved with the TOOLKIT Project, click here.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee