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Accordion Week: Gypsy Punk Squeezebox

Accordion week on Sound Travels continues today with music from Eastern Europe. In fact, Eastern Europe is probably the first place that comes to mind when one tries to conjure images of the instrument's origin. Although it is likely a descendant of earlier Far-Eastern origins, the accordion nevertheless was and is extremely popular in Eastern Europe (and the rest of Europe for that matter) and features very prominently in traditional and contemporary songs from the area.

While I like the folk tradition of the area in question, the gypsy-punk sound championed by bands like Gogol Bordello and Kultur Shok, seemed like an excellent starting point because of thier energy and overall popularity/familiarity. Though I got some Gogol in there for you, I also slipped some surprises in there for you to broaden your palette...

Sound Travels - 08-29-12 Gypsy Punk Sqeezebox Minimix

Golem "Ushti Baba"

Limpopo "Katiusha"

Leningrad "Super Good"

Gogol Bordello "Pala Tute"

Dubioza Kollectiv "U.S.A"