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Anna's Review of Cat Power at Turner Hall Ballroom

The stage and light set-up for Cat Power’s set Monday night was one I hadn’t seen in a while. The lights didn’t seem to match the music that was being played. I overheard someone say, “I feel like I should be at a Pink Floyd show.” I would definitely agree with that. There were strobe lights bouncing off in every direction that changed colors nearly every song.

Chan Marshall did add her own personal aspects to the show. From the back of Turner Hall, I saw her holding two microphones. As people started filtering out during her set, I moved up and noticed she was using a loop pedal. I wouldn’t have known that since the sound from the back of Turner didn’t suggest this. Two drummers also kept the steady beat of songs off the new record “Sun.” The drummer’s movements were in sync, as Chan Marshall moved around the stage in her own world.

Considering Cat Power didn’t go on until 10, some of the crowd left early. Throughout the two opening bands, whom never said their names and are not listened on the tour website, people left. If I hadn’t wanted to see Cat Power, I probably would have left too. The opening bands weren’t much to be wooing over. Either way, for the people that did decide to stay for Cat Power, it was well worth the money spent. I do wish that I had seen her before she got more attention from the new record. Someone I talked to in the crowd said they saw her in New York a few years ago with just her and her guitar. That’s what I had expected from the show, but even with the light set up and dual drummers, Cat Power is not a show to miss.

Check out the pictures from the show, which was photographed by 88Nine's own Kristy Tayler.

Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee