If you were at Turner Hall Ballroom last night, you saw some of the best local performances of the year. It is amazing how fast these RadioMilwaukee Music awards have evolved over the past 6 years.
The evening kicked off with a fantastic networking event for musicians and bands. Martin Atkins (Nine Inch Nails, PIL, Killing Joke) began the networking event with a funny, but a very relevant presentation. Following the presentation, A form of 'speed dating' for musicians. It was a chance for artists to interact with various industry folks and get advice and share their music.
Then the main event kicked off. There were amazing performances from Vic & Gab, Klassik, Juniper Tar, Field Report, and Jaill. Then of course there was the presentation of awards to the winners. Here are the winners for the 6th Annual RadioMilwaukee Music Awards.
Milwaukee Music Ambassador Award: Evan Rytlewski (Shepherd Express)
Album of the Year: Field Report - Field Report
Song of the Year: Jaill - "Waste a Lot of Things"
Solo Artist of the Year: Klassik
Band of the Year: Hugh Bob and the Hustle
Catchiest Song: Surgeons in Heat - "Flying Away"
Best Album Artwork: Into Arcadia - Escaper(artwork by Brooklyn Henke)
Best Music Video: Altos - "Sing (For Trouble)" (directed by Sean Williamson)
ALTOS, ALTOS "SING (FOR TROUBLE)" from Sean Williamson on Vimeo.
Bandcamp Release of the Year: Great Lake Drifters - For Your Consideration
For Your Consideration by Great Lake Drifters
Best Disc RadioMilwaukee Missed (overlooked): Wolfgang Schaefer - Typewriter
Best Live Show: Juniper Tar
Check out some photos from last night's shindig: