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Celebrate Responsibly: Miller Lite Free Rides

Beginning at 8 p.m. tonight,   Miller Lite is making it free for you to ride the bus.

You don't have to do anything special.  You don't have to pay or show ID.  Just get on the bus and ride for free.

Busses run along normal routes until end of service, but 13 of the more popular routes operate until 4 a.m.

If you don't use the bus very often, don't sweat it.

The  MCTS website has comprehensive bus schedule information, including which routes have extended hours.  And if you have a smartphone, Google Maps has accurate, location-based schedule information.  You can also call 1-800-FREE-RIDES to plan your route.

Whether you take a bus or taxi, or make plans to stay with a friend or in a hotel, you can avoid drunk driving.  

From everyone at 88nine, have a safe and responsible holiday.