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Best Trinidad Reggae

Sound Travels with Trinidadian Carnival sounds and songs all week. In the process of looking through tons of calypso, soca and even Venezuelan influenced parang; I found some reggae here and there. While I hadn't originally planned to include it this week, they were the so good, I just had to bring it. 

3 Canal makes solid music in general, and would be a great start to your own Trini collection. The Panafricanist comes in with a dope steel drum dub from his self-titled on Ariwa Records. Solid roots from two unknowns (for me at least), both Prophet Benjamin and Brother Resistance. And Khari Kill was the one I already knew, just didn't know he was a Trini-boy, either way, "Picture Of Selassie" is a rottsy, dancehall banger. Respect Trini reggae, they keep it irie! 

3 Canal "On & On"

Prophet Benjamin "Usual Suspect"

The Panafricanist "King St Dub"

Brother Resistance "Jah Never Fail"

Khari Kill "Picture Of Selassie"

Production Manager | Radio Milwaukee