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Kenya Rhythm, Benga Beat

Kenyan music on Sound Travels all week, a mini-theme that will come out to two songs a day in the Sound Travels mix of things. 

At noon I played a dreamy bit of benga from Daudi Kabaka who had some hits in the 70's with songs like "African Twist" and "Harambee Harambee." I went with a tune that I simply felt a better fit for our rainy Tuesday afternoon, "Kwaheri Bwana" which feels a little lazier than the smoking dance number I played at 1pm. Julius Kangethe no longer makes music of any kind after suffering a debilatating illness and that's a real shame. He did however record eight excellent benga albums and I played one from my favorite, the title cut from his album Mumbi.

Daudi Kabaka "Kwaheri Bwana"

Julius Kangethe "Mumbi" Mumbi