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Girls in Tech:MKE mentors the next generation of female tech professionals

We want this group to be in place to further women in business and women in tech.

         -Cindi Thomas, Cofounder of Translator


Milwaukee will soon have its own chapter of Girls in Tech, a global organization dedicated to helping women get into technology-based careers. Girls in Tech:Milwaukee hosted its inagural event, reaching out to the community that it will serve.

"What we are looking to do from the onset is get peoples feedback on what they want," says Thomas. "What do the women in this community need from a group like this and tailor the activities around that."


Co-Founder of Girls in Tech: Milwaukee Beth Akerlund, a software product owner for a company called Centare in Brookfield, says having mentors help her along her career path really shaped who she is today. "Building my skills and encouraging me.. all that support made me grow into this industry."


And that is exactly what Girls in Tech: Milwaukee intends to do for the next generation of women in our community, through educational workshops and lectures, round table discussions, social engagement and recruiting events.


Find out how you can get involved here.