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Journey from corporate America to organic farming

When I discovered farming it totally completed me. I think it saved my life.

         -Alissa Moore, Heron's View Farm


How does someone go from sitting behind a desk at a corporate office job to managing your own farm a few years later?


For Alissa Moore, it was easy once she figured out what would make her happy. But the path to get there was full of hard work. Step 1: Find an internship. "There's an organization called National Center For Appropriate Technology," says Moore. "They have a list of every state in the country. A farm can go on and list their internships need, who they are looking for and what they pay."


Step 2: Be prepared for a lot of hard work. "There's sort of a misconception that small scale organic farming is a romantic way to spend your time, but is a lot of work." Moore continues jokingly, "If you enjoy working in the sun and rain from 7am to 8pm, then come and join us. If not, then have a garden and keep your day job."


After 6 years of interning at various farms around the country, Moore is working her very own farm this year. Heron's View Farm is just outside of Fredonia. The land she farms is part of 110 acres owned by someone else. "The folks that own the land and I are in the process of forming a corporation for the farm" Moore explains. "I'm getting paid a salary to grow this food. I'm taking it to farmers markets and we are eating off of it." Moore says people who have land and resources and people who have skills and knowledge in farming can come together to explore opportunities. And because of this opportunity, Heron's View Farm is now up and running.


You can find Alissa Moore selling her produce this year at the Fox Point Farmers Market, running June 15th through October 12th.