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Royksopp Takes a Bite Of Bob James' Apple on Eple

We wrap up this week's exploration of the music of Royksopp with the song "Eple".  This song was featured on the 2001 album Melody A.M. Eple– meaning "apple" in Norwegian, was licensed by Apple Inc. for use as the welcome music to the company's Mac OS X Panther operating system, playing the first time a user booted a new Apple-brand computer.  As if that wasn't the coolest thing you've ever heard... check out this amazing video for "Eple".



I have to assume that the title for this track, was inspired by the cover of the sample's album. The main sample is part of a melody contained in Bob James' song "You're as Right as Rain" in his 1975 album Two. The cover of "Two" depicts a golden hand holding an apple. 


Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee