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Bring Milwaukee To SXSW

South by South West offers the promise of opportunity for unsigned and widely unheard bands to get in front of important music industry movers and shakers. The only problem with SXSW is that it happens to be in Austin, TX and it is pretty darn tough to get in any of the official showcases. The good news is, this year Milwaukee artists are getting some help! Through a crowd funded-joint venture MilwaukeeHome, Festival City, and the Hotel Foster hope to bring some of Milwaukee’s talent down to Texas. The goal is to raise 20,000 dollars to help pay for the bands’ costs of getting to Austin as well as to host a showcase specifically for Milwaukee acts.  For more information and to help bring you favorite local bands to SXSW, visit:

So far the Milwaukee Stage will feature:  Boy BlueBrett NewskiC-Pipezthe ChampionshipDana CoppafeelFever MarleneHugh Bob and the HustleJaykJoe WrayKane Place Record ClubKimberlee Laske, KlassikScott KnoxxMidnight RerunsPizzleProphQewl MilesRay NittiRay RizzySoul LowTempleUjuzi FreshValid CampVic and GabWebster X. With more to be announced soon! 

Be sure to keep up with the campaign’s Facebook page for news updates and Milwaukee Stage lineup announcements. 

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee