Can you tell the difference between eating a tomato that ripened in a delivery truck as it drove across the country to your local supermarket and one that was picked right off the vine 24 hours ago?
If you could eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, while helping the local economy and our environment, would you?
In my personal quest to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables this year, I've decided to join a CSA. It stands for Community Supported Agriculture. For the last decade, the Urban Ecology Center has hosted a Eat Local Resource Fair. They invite local CSA Farmers in to meet the community members and chat about the various options we have to join a CSA. There is a program that fits every budget. And if you have four hours to spare each week to help work the farm, you're weekly food deliveries are free.
You pick the farmer that best suits your needs in regards to delivery drop-off locations, variety of food offered, amount and frequency of deliveries. And you can still hit up the local farmer's markets this summer for additional items.
Listen to the story above to learn more about LotFotL (Living Off The Fat Of The Land), the farmer I spoke with this weekend. Visit the Urban Ecology Center's website for more info on their recent Eat Local Resource Fair.