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Help Keep Global Union Free For Everyone!

Milwaukee's premiere world music festival Global Union will be celebrating its ninth year on September 13 at Humboldt Park. The free festival continues to bring amazing artists from the four corners of the globe.  This year's line up include Argetina's's La Yegros, Chiese-Appalachian group Wu-Force, Trinidad's Calypso Rose with Kobo Town and Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars

This unique festival is free to everyone, however it does take money to make it happen.   Alverno Presents recently launced a campaign to raise $15,000 in 15 days to help keep Global Union free.  From July 15 - 31, BMO Harris Bank and the Helen Bader Foundation are matching your donation dollar for dollar up to $15,000. 

You can make your donation here and help keep Global Union free for everyone. 

Today we have a special request, will you help keep Global Union free by participating in $15,000 in 15 days?  What's $15,000 in 15 days?  Well, for the next 15 days (July 15 - 31), BMO Harris Bank and the Helen Bader Foundation are matching your gift dollar for dollar, up to $15,000!  This is a wonderful opportunity for Global Union and our community. 

 We need your support, Global Union fans. Make your gift online HERE today and spread the word. Ask your friends, social media networks, and neighbors to match your support. Help us reach our goal!  Join $15,000 in 15 Days by making a gift online here today!

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee