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Suriname Sounds Mixtape || 08-24-14

So you like diverse sounds? Well the Sound Travels Mixtape sohould definitely be the Kool Aid you should sip and this past weekend's mixtape featuring the music of Suriname, is your ticket to a country that likely sits on the very fringe of your awareness. I made this mixtape for you because of that very mystery. I thought to myself "what's the most unloved, un-talked-about country on the map?" (though there are many answers to that question, which is a lil bit subjective anyway) and thought the former Dutch colony of Suriname certainly fit the bill.

I have the mixtape here in its entirety, sans my narrative, so you can get lost in this paradise of creole sounds; from reggae to calyso, to tribal rhythms and East Indian influenced musics, Surinamese music is a reflection of a country that may be one of the world's most diverse...


Suriname Sounds Mixtape || 08-24-14 SOUND TRAVELS by Marcusdoucette on Mixcloud