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Tracking Marigolden - Song by Song Commentary of Field Report's New Album

Field Report’s “Marigolden” has been sitting under cover for the past few ninth months. That’s a long time for a record to hang out unheard by the public. Today we begin to unwrap the present that is one of most anticipated albums from arguably Milwaukee’s best band.


Chris and I had talked about doing a track by track preview of the songs, but we took it one step further. Audio commentary! We’re going to feature a new song each day over the next two weeks, with Chris discussing the song as it plays. It’s a bit like Pop Up Video, except in an entirely different medium, and probably not as funny. It's actually been a really fun way personally to learn more about an album, and what the artist was thinking when they made certain lyrical decisions, music decisions, or just questionable ones.

At the conclusion of the commentary/song, we’ll play the song uninterrupted again. I think from a context standpoint, it makes more sense to give some clues to what you’re about to process, and it felt good. Hopefully you’ll dig what Chris has to say about the songs, and will give you better insight into the songs themselves.

Field Report's new album is out Tuesday, October 7th. Check back each weekday to hear more from the album, and catch it on the radio this week and next at 4pm.


Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee