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Br(OK)en Genius



Christopher McIntyre Perceptions (C.M.P.) has figured out a way to spotlight the potential of African Americans that live in the inner city of Milwaukee, by using his own story as a child growing up in Milwaukee. Br(OK)en Genius uses fine art photography, literary, performing and musical arts to tell stories and share the common struggle faced by kids in Milwaukee's inner city. "It's a language of the soul we all understand," says C.M.P. "We have all been moved by a piece of poetry or dance moves or's something that can be communicated to all people across the world."


C.M.P. got the idea for Br(OK)en Genius after he was featured in the "Wisconsin 30" exhibition at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The performance is based on his own experiences growing up in the city and being homeless for a time. The latest production of Br(OK)en Genius was just held at the South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center on November 21st.


After talking with C.M.P., it's pretty obvious that his passion really lies in teaching and reaching out to the youth of Milwaukee. "You have to give and invest in the future for your present to be good." He's worked with youth through various Boys & Girls Clubs and YMCAs, RedLine Milwaukee, Milwaukee Art Museum Kohl's Family Sundays  and ART Milwaukee.


Check out the audio player above to hear more as C.M.P. brings the Br(OK)en Genius model to the kids at St. Marcus Lutheran School off North Avenue in Milwaukee. 

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee