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An Open Letter To Milwaukee's Music Community

Dear MKE,

Jordan Lee here.  

First of all I love you!  I mean that, and everything I do is with the intention of spreading love. 

I had a moment of revelation last night at our annual Radio Milwaukee Music Awards.  I was on the roof, catching some fresh air with Marcus Doucette, Kiran of Fresh Cut Collective, Lodi of Twin Brother and Strehlow.  We saw police copters in the distance hovering over downtown.  Someone speculated that they were patrolling for the protests.  It took me a few minutes to process why, but then I remembered what was going on in our community and our nation right now.  I remembered how socially and culturally divided we find ourselves in the wake of all that’s going on.  People are saying awful things, folks are feeling abandoned by the communities they live in, and some people are so upset, they want to just tear it all down.  Yet, I sat with four other peers, all of whom were of a different race than myself, all of whom live in a different part of our community, and all bonded by one simple thing… MUSIC!

I’ve said for years that music is the one language we all speak.  From nation to nation, state to state, block to block, the words we use may be different, but we all find a connection through music.

As the night progressed, I’d walk through our space and see a rapper from one group talking to the lead guitarist of another.  I’d see fans of one band, rocking out to the sounds of a band they did not come to see.  I’d go backstage and eavesdrop on conversations about recording music together, or two artists wanting to book a show in the near future.  The collaborative spirit was incredible, and I want it to continue.

We talk a lot here at Radio Milwaukee about diversity, but witnessing the beauty of real diversity, is an amazing thing.   And while our community and our nation find themselves divided in the debate about awful things happening to our brothers and sisters, we had no worries when we are all together on that dance floor. 

Let’s continue to build upon the principle of “one nation under a groove.”  Let’s unite our community through music.  Let’s continue to focus on the amazing things we can do, when we work together.  Let’s show the younger generations that this is the new “norm” in Milwaukee, people of all walks of life, working together to lift each other up.

I thank everyone who is already there with me on this.  

For those who are ready to join us, this is your invitation.  It starts today.


Thank you Milwaukee!

- Jordan Lee

Director of Digital | Radio Milwaukee