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Milwaukee welcomes 122 new U.S. Citizens at Naturalization Ceremony


Judge Nancy Joseph shared a secret with an auditorium of future U.S. citizens, their friends and family. "If you went around the country and polled judges, I think you would get close to a unanimous decision, that doing naturalization ceremonies is our favorite part of the job."



Today's U.S. Naturalization Ceremony, hosted by the Milwaukee Area Technical College's downtown campus (MATC), welcomed 122 people from every corner of the globe as new U.S. Citizens. Each applicant has their own story of what brought them to the U.S. I got a chance to speak with Nora Rangel-Kubacki, a native from Mexico and current resident of Milwaukee's North Shore. Click the stories section above to hear more from Nora.


From the singing of the National Anthem by Corey Odem, a Math professor at MATC, to the collective voices of 120+ people reciting the US Citizenship pledge in unison, today's ceremony was very inspirational. You can't help but get excited for so many people to go from feeling like an outsider to an official U.S. Citizen, joinging their friends and family as the newest members of our community.