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WHS WINGS program prevents bird collisions

Has this ever happened to you? Sitting at your desk, hard at work and suddenly...thud. How about at home? You know how terrible it is to look over there is a stunned little birdie on the ground? Or worse?

There are some really cheap and easy steps you can take to help birds avoid flying into your windows. The Wisconsin Humane Society's WINGS program has tips on how you can help save our little feathered friends. It's as easy as removing plants on your windowsill or putting up reflective window clings.

It's estimated that 900,000+ birds die each year from window collisions. We are in a major migratory path here in Southeastern Wisconsin, so it happens a lot.

Check out the story above to hear from animal lover Julie and how simple it was for her to save the birds that were crashing into her second story work window.

Tips from the WHS WINGS program found here.

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee