How to make a new comedy show: take two talented Milwaukee stand up comedians (Jason Hillman, Ryan Mason), add a six-fingered fist full of amazing improv comedians (Tim Higgins, Tyler Menz, Mike Kauth, Amanda Stellberg, Matt Garnaas, Lee Rowley), stick them all on the same stage....and buckle up!
Voyager is a new hybrid of comedy where Stand Up and Improv work together to make an evening the likes which may have never been seen before (at least in Milwaukee). This takes place at the Comedy Sportz building located at 420 S.1st St. Milwaukee. First show is Thursday, July 16 at 8pm.
The event is $5 at the door. Show up! You won't be sorry!
Click the player above to hear my interview with Tim and Tyler that aired on the morning show today.