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Weekly Download | Kutiman, "Inner Galactic Lovers"

This week's download comes Israeli producer Kutiman. Kutiman is best known for creating the online music video project  ThruYOU. He recently released a new track called "Inner Galactic Lovers," which you can download for free for the next seven days.

Kutiman put together this song called “Inner Galactic Lovers” by using pieces of songs from people across the globe. The end result was called “The Fiverr-Kutiman Project,” and it’s a great example of how to be innovative in today’s world to create something new and exciting. Kutiman is no stranger to innovative projects such as this – he got his start on YouTube in 2009 with a video called “Thru-You.” He has since been commissioned by several cities such as New York and Tel Aviv to create videos, which take amateur YouTube videos and mash them up together to create a unique song.

Download Kutiman's "Inner Galactic Lovers" (right click and save as)

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee