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LOLLAPALOOZA 2015: Day 1 Recap

Our team of four rolled up to Lollapalooza yesterday morning, albeit a little sweaty, excited to talk to the artists and experience Chicago’s largest music festival. The free spa treatments (great move there, Lolla) were cut short when we got the chance to talk to Wet, Slaptop, and Coin.


Wet, an adorable group of three, talked about recent experience with paranormal beings and the difficult decision of choosing between coffee or spirits on the road. We hung out with Luke aka Slaptop after his set who was comedically humble. We laughed with the four guys of COIN and found out they didn’t know the difference between Minneapolis and Milwaukee. (Don't worry. They do now.) Stay tuned for those interviews (and more!) to come.


Check out our visual recap of Day 1:



We found ourselves being just as distracted by the gigantic skyscrapers conveniently acting as a backdrop to the festival as we were by all of the random things people decided to throw in the sky:



And then of course there were just the random things people would bring because... it's Lolla and why not?



Once we got our footing down and walked the entire grounds (which can take about 20 minutes from end to end) we finally got to talk to some artists.



We talked to COIN who had a good time with us talking about their spirit animals and much more.



We also talked to Slaptop aka Luke who attributes his name to his love of Star Wars.


Oh, and don't worry we went to some concerts too:







Thanks for a great first day, Lolla!



Photo credits: Natalie Phillips, Makenzie Boettcher, Edyn Herbert, Julian Cedron

Director of HYFIN / Digital Operations | Radio Milwaukee