WIRED magazine premiered a new video by Sylvan Esso performing their track "H.S.K.T." in the Moog Sound Lab.
According to the YouTube post, they used a nice combination of MIDI through Ableton and an impressive selection of Moog synths:
"Sylvan Esso return to the Moog Sound Lab to re-imagine "H.S.K.T" from their self-titled 2014 release. Using Ableton Live to route MIDI messages to an array of analog synthesizers, Nick Sanborn controls his Minitaur for basslines as well as a tower of Minimoog Voyager Rack Mount Editions to produce H.S.K.T.'s percussive track. Ableton's master MIDI clock locks the arpeggiator tempo of a Moog Sub 37, which all ran through an MF-104M Analog Delay. Vocalist Amelia Meath played a Werkstatt running through the Minifooger Delay, and sang through another MF-104M Analog Delay. Nick then sequenced the whole thing with his Akai APC40. The only prerecorded sound was a loop of of Amelia singing "wanna get" from the original track."
Watch the video below: