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MKE Concert Pick: Vivarium doubles up with Dessa, Wave Chapelle

Dessa; Facebook

Milwaukee’s concert scene has a lot going on, so we look at the shows coming up to find the ones you’ll look back on and be glad you went. Then we add them to our weekly Milwaukee Concert Picks.

Just like the individuals who make up our team, Radio Milwaukee itself has its favorite artists. They’re the musicians you hear played on 88Nine and HYFIN, the ones we welcome to our Walker’s Point studios for State of Sound and Latest & Greatest, and — yes — the ones who pop up in our Milwaukee Concert Picks.

Some of those familiar names are right down below in the list of this week’s best concerts. KASE, Shontrail, Wave Chapelle, Pulpa De Guayaba and Bug Moment are all artists we love, and we think you’ll love them, too (so go see them!).

The one we plucked from the rest this time, though, is Dessa. She and Wave are part of a killer double bill at Vivarium this Friday, and we just can’t say no to a 2-for-1 live show, especially with a talent like Dessa at the top of the bill.

The Minneapolis-based artist is part of the Doomtree hip-hop collective that calls the Twin Cities home, and we’ve been happy to keep up with her tireless output over the years. We served up a track she featured on as part of our free-download series way back in 2010, she’s found her way into Rhythm Lab Radio several times, and almost exactly a year ago we presented the world premie of “Twelve to One” off her most recent album, Bury the Lede.

Telling you to catch her Vivarium show was an easy call considering how comfortable she is behind the mic — in all kinds of situations. Beyond the live-music setting, she hosted two seasons of the BBC’s Deeply Human radio show, and did a TED Talk on the intersection of romance and neuroscience.

Not exactly your typical musician stuff, but Dessa isn’t your typical musician. See why in person this Friday at Vivarium with opener Wave Chapelle.

Best concerts in Milwaukee this week

Director of Digital Content | Radio Milwaukee