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Listen to 414 Music Live with Soul Low

414 Music Live with Soul Low

Soul Low was born out of teenage jam sessions, late nights studying Milwaukee rock and roll, and a spirited sense of irreverence.

With Jake Balistrieri on lead vocals and guitar, Charlie Celenza as the rhythm section, Sam Gehrke on bass, and Sean Hirthe providing keyboards and saxophone, Soul Low’s road to pop-rock glory began when they were just Milwaukee kids experimenting with their instruments.

The band established themselves as a serious quartet of locals with their debut album UNEASY. And they're preparing for the start of Act II with the release of their sophomore album Nosebleeds on August 5.

Soul Low joined us at Studio Milwaukee before their album release and performance at Mile of Music in Appleton.

Listen to the player below for a session and interview with Soul Low:

414 Music Live is presented by:

Milwaukee Brewing Co Hi Hat Lounge & Garage Riviera Maya

414 Music Live is presented by:

Milwaukee Brewing Co Hi Hat Lounge & Garage Riviera Maya