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September 11 remembered on the Shadow

Today, we find ourselves on the 14th anniversary of that terrible day, September 11, 2001. There was a movement a while back that the day should be made into a National Holiday and you could make a compelling argument for that. Then again, look what happens with all of our other holidays, sure there's a solid contingent of people who observe solemn holidays with respect and reflect on the reason we have the day off, but there's another faction who'd just use it as another excuse to have a linens or mattress sale, or go away for an early autumn three-day-weekend.

I'm always at a loss to properly observe this day. Sure, I think about those who perished and the lives affected by the tragedy and how it united us as a country but I also don't hang my head in sorrow all day. It's tough to strike that balance. On the Shadow today, we'll go with two solid Americans who've spent their careers reflecting real people in their storytelling/songwriting.

Bruce Springsteen wrote "My City Of Ruins" as a direct response to the tragedy and Eddie Vedder later used the song to help raise money for the victims of the Haitian earthquakes.


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