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What band goes with Peanut Butter Patties?

So, with my daughter having recently joined the Girl Scouts, I (through her) became 88Nine’s cookie supplier/pusher. Thanks to the generosity of my co-workers, she was the second-highest volume seller in her troop! Check it out below.

With a wide a variety of cookies to choose from, I thought it might be fun to pair Girl Scout Cookies with Milwaukee bands.


Shortbread -- Trolley

Shortbread is the quintessential British cookie. Though it originally came from Scotland, we still associate it with the England.

And to me, no band embodies the Brit spirit in its music and presentation than Trolley. So, enjoy a few sleeves of Shortbread with Trolley’s new album “Caught In The Darkness” and perhaps a wee dram of a peaty (Scotch) whisky, like Ardbeg or Laphroaig.



Thin Mints -- Paul Cebar

Does any Girl Scout cookie get more classic than the Thin Mint? “No” is the right answer. Do Milwaukee artists get any more classic than Paul Cebar?

Paul is celebrating his 30th year as a bandleader and continues to draw huge crowds -- and gets them dancing.  Now with the R&B Cadets in the mix, there’s a whole ‘nother flavor of Paul to keep ‘em dancing.

Listen to Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound's recent 414 Music Live session at Radio Milwaukee.



Lemonades -- Klassik

We tend to associate lemonade with summertime and for good reason. It’s a tasty warm weather treat.

But these are cookies. Are people gonna wait until summer to eat them? No sir. Who’s our man for all seasons? Klassik. Enjoy a sleeve of Lemonades with Klassik’s “Seasons” album.



Peanut Butter Patties -- Living Statues

It’s a decadent combo of chocolate and peanut butter that draws people to the Peanut Butter Patty. You can find that same decadent combo in Milwaukee’s favorites with heaps of leather, booze and cigarette smoke -- The Living Statues.



Thanks-A-Lot -- Testa Rosa

A shortbread-y and chocolate combo is that perfect blend of dark and light. Milwaukee’s Testa Rosa enjoys that same balance of dark and light -- without either flavor overwhelming the other. Both are the perfect flavor blend.



Cranberry Citrus Crisps -- GGOOLLDD

Sweet, airy and yet with substance; these (newer) cookies are a recent favorite. Milwaukee’s GGOOLLDD is just that -- a formidable combo with a sweet airiness to them.

See our behind-the-scenes video of the making of GGOOLLDD's "Dance Through the Winter" music video.


Peanut Butter Sandwich -- Brett Newski

Another no-frills, yet substantive cookie rooted in classic elements of Americana, the Peanut Butter Sandwich is rock-solid, sweet, never a disappointment -- and always delivers without being snooty or pretentious.

Brett Newski embodies all those qualities: rock-solid, sweet, fun without ever exhibiting hints of snootiness. Newski is a musician for all tastes.



Caramel deLites -- Field Report

A complex cookie. A standard base of a cookie and chocolate and some sweet caramel, aided -- and made exotic -- by the toasted coconut. All of this steers the Caramel deLite into a dark space sometimes, even if it is among the best sellers in the Girl Scout cookie canon.

Field Report manages to play things close to the surface at certain times and yet shows a sweet side. But there’s some inherent darkness just below the surface.

See Field Report perform at 414 Music Live this Thursday at 5:30pm at Radio Milwaukee's studios in Walker's Point.